This Ankerite Maha Mass 5000 gainer has been systematically manufactured for sound lean muscle gain without any kind of fat or extra calories. It will fulfill your daily calorie deficiencies and also help in protein synthesis and prevent muscle loss. It will target all the weak muscles of your body and help in the growth of those muscles.
Natural health supplement
Maha Mass 5000 is a natural health supplement to make sure that you are getting the daily recommended intake of required protein, calcium and zinc. This natural ingredient based formula will help you to maintain optimal.
Muscle growth
Maha Mass 5000 offers adequate amounts of whey protein which helps in muscle gain. The protein component helps in speedy muscle recovery and growth. All the essential amino acids present in this supplement will help in muscle recovery and growth. It will nourish the muscle tissues and thereby enable better workout recovery.
Rich in nutrients
The Maha Mass 5000 supplement is rich in protein, calcium, and zinc. It will help you in improving your overall health.
Rich source of protein
Maha Mass 5000 is a rich source of protein. Protein is important for muscle growth and zinc is a vital mineral that is involved in different kinds of enzymatic reactions in the body. This product will nourish your body with adequate amount of zinc and protein that your body needs.
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